The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
Convinced from spending hours reading
rave reviews, Bob eagerly clicked "Proceed to Checkout" for his gallon of
Tuscan Whole Milk and...
Whoa! What just happened?
the 220 milliseconds that flew by, a lot of interesting stuff happened
to make Firefox change the address bar color and put a lock in the lower
right corner. With the help of Wireshark, my favorite network tool, and a slightly modified debug build of Firefox, we can see exactly what's going on.
By agreement of RFC 2818, Firefox knew that "https" meant it should connect to port 443 at Amazon.com:
Most people associate HTTPS with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which was created by Netscape in the mid 90's.
This is becoming less true over time. As Netscape lost market share,
SSL's maintenance moved to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The first post-Netscape version was re-branded as Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 which was released in January 1999. It's rare to see true "SSL" traffic given that TLS has been around for 10 years.
Client Hello
wraps all traffic in "records" of different types. We see that the
first byte out of our browser is the hex byte 0x16 = 22 which
means that this is a "handshake" record:
The next two bytes are 0x0301 which indicate that this is a version 3.1 record which shows that TLS 1.0 is essentially SSL 3.1.
handshake record is broken out into several messages. The first is our
"Client Hello" message (0x01). There are a few important things here:
- Random:
There are four bytes representing the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
in the Unix epoch format, which is the number of seconds since January
1, 1970. In this case, 0x4a2f07ca. It's followed by 28 random bytes.
This will be used later on.
- Session ID:
it's empty/null. If we had previously connected to Amazon.com a few
seconds ago, we could potentially resume a session and avoid a full
- Cipher Suites:
is a list of all of the encryption algorithms that the browser is
willing to support. Its top pick is a very strong choice of "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA"
followed by 33 others that it's willing to accept. Don't worry if none
of that makes sense. We'll find out later that Amazon doesn't pick our
first choice anyway.
- server_name extension:
This is a way to tell Amazon.com that our browser is trying to reach https://www.amazon.com/. This is really convenient because our TLS handshake occurs long before any HTTP traffic. HTTP has a "Host" header
which allows a cost-cutting Internet hosting companies to pile hundreds
of websites onto a single IP address. SSL has traditionally required a
different IP for each site, but this extension allows the server to
respond with the appropriate certificate that the browser is looking
for. If nothing else, this extension should allow an extra week or so of
IPv4 addresses.
Server Hello
Amazon.com replies
with a handshake record that's a massive two packets in size (2,551
bytes). The record has version bytes of 0x0301 meaning that Amazon
agreed to our request to use TLS 1.0. This record has three sub-messages
with some interesting data:
- "Server Hello" Message (2):
- We get the server's four byte time Unix epoch time representation and its 28 random bytes that will be used later.
- A 32 byte session ID in case we want to reconnect without a big handshake.
- Of the 34 cipher suites we offered, Amazon picked "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" (0x0004). This means that it will use the "RSA" public key algorithm to verify certificate signatures and exchange keys, the RC4 encryption algorithm to encrypt data, and the MD5
hash function to verify the contents of messages. We'll cover these in
depth later on. I personally think Amazon had selfish reasons for
choosing this cipher suite. Of the ones on the list, it was the one that
was least CPU intensive to use so that Amazon could crowd more
connections onto each of their servers. A much less likely possibility is that they wanted to pay special tribute to Ron Rivest, who created all three of these algorithms.
- Certificate Message (11):
- This
message takes a whopping 2,464 bytes and is the certificate that the
client can use to validate Amazon's. It isn't anything fancy. You can
view most of its contents in your browser:
- "Server Hello Done" Message (14):
- This
is a zero byte message that tells the client that it's done with the
"Hello" process and indicate that the server won't be asking the client
for a certificate.
Checking out the Certificate
The browser has to
figure out if it should trust Amazon.com. In this case, it's using certificates. It looks at Amazon's certificate and
that the current time is between the "not before" time of August 26th,
2008 and before the "not after" time of August 27, 2009. It also
checks to make sure that the certificate's public key is authorized for exchanging secret keys.
Why should we trust this certificate?
Attached to the certificate is a "signature" that is just a really long number in
big-endian format:
could have sent us these bytes. Why should we trust this signature? To
answer that question, need to make a speedy detour into mathemagic land:
Interlude: A Short, Not Too Scary, Guide to RSA
sometimes wonder
if math has any relevance to programming. Certificates give a very
practical example of applied math. Amazon's certificate tells us that we
should use the RSA algorithm to check the signature.
RSA was created in the 1970's by MIT professors
Ron *R*ivest,
Adi *S*hamir, and
Len *A*dleman who found a
clever way to combine ideas spanning
2000 years of math development to come up with a
beautifully simple algorithm:
pick two huge prime numbers "p" and "q." Multiply them to get "n = p*q." Next, you pick a small public
exponent "e" which is the "encryption exponent" and
a specially crafted inverse of "e" called "d" as the "decryption exponent." You then
make "n" and "e" public and keep "d" as secret as you possibly can
and then throw away "p" and "q" (or keep them as secret as "d"). It's
really important to remember that "e" and "d" are inverses of each
Now, if you have some message, you just need to interpret
its bytes as a number "M." If you want to "encrypt" a message to create a
"ciphertext", you'd calculate:
C ≡ M
e (mod n)
This means that you multiply "M" by itself "e" times. The "mod n" means that we only take the remainder (e.g. "
when dividing by "n." For example, 11 AM + 3 hours ≡ 2 (PM) (mod 12
hours). The recipient knows "d" which allows them to invert the message
to recover the original message:
d ≡ (M
d ≡ M
e*d ≡ M
1 ≡ M (mod n)
Just as interesting is that the person with "d" can "sign" a document by raising a message "M" to the "d" exponent:
d ≡ S (mod n)
This works because "signer" makes public "S", "M", "e", and "n." Anyone can verify the signature "S" with a simple calculation:
e ≡ (M
e ≡ M
d*e ≡ M
e*d ≡ M
1 ≡ M (mod n)
key cryptography algorithms like RSA are often called "asymmetric"
algorithms because the encryption key (in our case, "e") is not equal to
(e.g. "symmetric" with) the decryption key "d". Reducing everything
"mod n" makes it impossible to use the easy techniques that we're used
to such as normal
logarithms. The magic of RSA works because you can calculate/encrypt C ≡ M
e (mod n)
very quickly, but it is
really hard to calculate/decrypt C
d ≡ M (mod n) without knowing "d." As we saw earlier, "d" is derived from
factoring "n" back to its "p" and "q", which is a
tough problem.
Verifying Signatures
The big thing to keep in mind with RSA in the real world is that all of the numbers involved have to be
big to make things really hard to break using the
best algorithms that we have.
How big? Amazon.com's certificate was "signed" by "VeriSign Class 3
Secure Server CA." From the certificate, we see that this VeriSign
modulus "n" is 2048 bits long which has this 617 digit base-10
1890572922 9464742433 9498401781
6528521078 8629616064 3051642608 4317020197 7241822595 6075980039
8371048211 4887504542 4200635317 0422636532 2091550579 0341204005
1169453804 7325464426 0479594122 4167270607 6731441028 3698615569
9947933786 3789783838 5829991518 1037601365 0218058341 7944190228
0926880299 3425241541 4300090021 1055372661 2125414429 9349272172
5333752665 6605550620 5558450610 3253786958 8361121949 2417723618
5199653627 5260212221 0847786057 9342235500 9443918198 9038906234
1550747726 8041766919 1500918876 1961879460 3091993360 6376719337
6644159792 1249204891 7079005527 7689341573 9395596650 5484628101
0469658502 1566385762 0175231997 6268718746 7514321
(Good luck trying to find "p" and "q" from this "n" - if you could, you could generate real-looking VeriSign certificates.)
"e" is 2^16 + 1 = 65537. Of course, they keep their "d" value secret,
probably on a safe hardware device protected by retinal scanners and
armed guards. Before signing, VeriSign checked the validity of the
contents that Amazon.com claimed on its certificate using a real-world
"handshake" that involved
looking at several of their business documents. Once VeriSign was satisfied with the documents, they used the
hash algorithm to get a hash value of the certificate that had all the
claims. In Wireshark, the full certificate shows up as the
"signedCertificate" part:
It's sort of a misnomer since it actually means that those are the bytes that the signer is going to sign and not the bytes that already include a signature.
actual signature, "S", is simply called "encrypted" in Wireshark. If we
raise "S" to VeriSign's public "e" exponent of 65537 and then take the
remainder when divided by the modulus "n", we get this "decrypted"
signature hex value:
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF00302130 0906052B0E03021A 05000414C19F8786
871775C60EFE0542 E4C2167C830539DB
Per the PKCS #1 v1.5 standard,
the first byte is "00" and it "ensures that the encryption block,
[when] converted to an integer, is less than the modulus." The second
byte of "01" indicates that this is a private key operation (e.g. it's a
signature). This is followed by a lot of "FF" bytes that are used to
pad the result to make sure that it's big enough. The padding is
terminated by a "00" byte. It's followed by "30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03
02 1A 05 00 04 14" which is the
PKCS #1 v2.1 way of specifying the
SHA-1 hash algorithm. The last 20 bytes are SHA-1 hash digest of the bytes in "signedCertificate."
Since the decrypted value
is properly formatted
and the last bytes are the same hash value that we can calculate
independently, we can assume that whoever knew "VeriSign Class 3 Secure
Server CA"'s private key "signed" it. We implicitly trust that only
VeriSign knows the private key "d."
We can repeat the process to
verify that "VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA"'s certificate was signed
by VeriSign's "Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority."
But why should we trust
that? There are no more levels on the trust chain.
The top "VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority" was signed by itself. This certificate has been built into Mozilla products as an implicitly trusted good certificate since version 1.4 of certdata.txt in the Network Security Services (NSS) library. It was checked-in on September 6, 2000 by Netscape's Robert Relyea with the following comment:
the framework compile with the rest of NSS. Include a 'live'
certdata.txt with those certs we have permission to push to open source
(additional certs will be added as we get permission from the owners)."
This decision has had a relatively long impact since the certificate has a validity range of January 28, 1996 - August 1, 2028.
As Ken Thompson explained so well in his "
Reflections on Trusting Trust",
you ultimately have to implicitly trust somebody. There is no way
around this problem. In this case, we're implicitly trusting that Robert
Relyea made a good choice. We also hope that
Mozilla's built-in certificate policy is reasonable for the other built-in certificates.
thing to keep in mind here is that all these certificates and
signatures were simply used to form a trust chain. On the public
Internet, VeriSign's root certificate is implicitly trusted by Firefox
long before you go to any website. In a company, you can create your own
root certificate authority (CA) that you can install on everyone's
Alternatively, you can get around having to pay
companies like VeriSign and avoid certificate trust chains altogether.
Certificates are used to establish trust by using a trusted third-party
(in this case, VeriSign). If you have a secure means of sharing a secret
"key", such as whispering a long password into someone's ear, then you
can use that pre-shared key (PSK) to establish trust. There are
extensions to TLS to allow this, such as
TLS-PSK, and my personal favorite,
TLS with Secure Remote Password (SRP) extensions.
Unfortunately, these extensions aren't nearly as widely deployed and
supported, so they're usually not practical. Additionally, these
alternatives impose a burden that we have to have some other secure
means of communicating the secret that's more cumbersome than what we're
trying to establish with TLS (otherwise, why wouldn't we use
that for everything?).
One final check that we need to do is to verify that the host name on the certificate is what we expected.
Nelson Bolyard's comment in the
SSL_AuthCertificate function explains why:
/* cert is OK. This is the client side of an SSL connection.
* Now check the name field in the cert against the desired hostname.
* NB: This is our only defense against Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks! */
This check helps prevent against a
attack because we are implicitly trusting that the people on the
certificate trust chain wouldn't do something bad, like sign a
certificate claiming to be from Amazon.com unless it actually was
Amazon.com. If an attacker is able to modify your DNS server by using a
technique like
DNS cache poisoning,
you might be fooled into thinking you're at a trusted site (like
Amazon.com) because the address bar will look normal. This last check
implicitly trusts certificate authorities to stop these bad things from
Pre-Master Secret
We've verified some claims
about Amazon.com and know its public encryption exponent "e" and modulus
"n." Anyone listening in on the traffic can know this as well (as
evidenced because we are using Wireshark captures). Now we need to
create a random secret key that an eavesdropper/attacker can't figure
out. This isn't as easy as it sounds. In 1996, researchers figured out
Netscape Navigator 1.1 was
using only three sources to seed their pseudo-random number generator (
The sources were: the time of day, the process id, and the parent
process id. As the researchers showed, these "random" sources aren't
that random and were relatively easy to figure out.
everything else was derived from these three "random" sources, it was
possible to "break" the SSL "security" in 25 seconds on a 1996 era
machine. If you still don't believe that finding randomness is hard,
ask the Debian OpenSSL maintainers. If you mess it up, all the security built on top of it is suspect.
On Windows, random numbers used for cryptographic purposes are generated by calling the
CryptGenRandom function that hashes bits
sampled from over 125 sources. Firefox uses this function along with some bits derived from
its own function to seed its
pseudo-random number generator.
48 byte "pre-master secret" random value that's generated isn't used
directly, but it's very important to keep it secret since a lot of
things are derived from it. Not surprisingly, Firefox makes it hard to
find out this value. I had to compile a debug version and set the
SSLTRACE environment variables to see it.
In this particular session, the pre-master secret showed up in the SSLDEBUGFILE as:
4456: SSL[131491792]: Pre-Master Secret [Len: 48]
03 01 bb 7b 08 98 a7 49 de e8 e9 b8 91 52 ec 81 ...{...I.....R..
4c c2 39 7b f6 ba 1c 0a b1 95 50 29 be 02 ad e6 L.9{......P)....
ad 6e 11 3f 20 c4 66 f0 64 22 57 7e e1 06 7a 3b .n.? .f.d"W~..z;
Note that it's not completely random. The first two bytes are,
by convention, the TLS version (03 01).
Trading Secrets
now need to get this secret value over to Amazon.com. By Amazon's
wishes of "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5", we will use RSA to do this. You
make your input message equal to just the 48 byte pre-master secret,
but the Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #1, version 1.5 RFC
tells us that we should pad these bytes with
data to make the input equal to exactly the size of the modulus (1024
bits/128 bytes). This makes it harder for an attacker to determine our
pre-master secret. It also gives us one last chance to protect ourselves
in case we did something really bone-headed, like reusing the same
secret. If we reused the key, the eavesdropper would likely see a
different value placed on the network due to the random padding.
Again, Firefox makes it hard to see these random values. I had to insert debugging statements into
the padding function to see what was going on:
wrapperHandle = fopen("plaintextpadding.txt", "a");
fprintf(wrapperHandle, "PLAINTEXT = ");
for(i = 0; i < modulusLen; i++)
fprintf(wrapperHandle, "%02X ", block[i]);
fprintf(wrapperHandle, "\r\n");
In this session, the full padded value was:
02 12 A3 EA B1 65 D6 81 6C 13 14 13 62 10 53 23 B3 96 85 FF 24 FA CC 46
11 21 24 A4 81 EA 30 63 95 D4 DC BF 9C CC D0 2E DD 5A A6 41 6A 4E 82 65
7D 70 7D 50 09 17 CD 10 55 97 B9 C1 A1 84 F2 A9 AB EA 7D F4 CC 54 E4 64
6E 3A E5 91 A0 06 00 03 01 BB 7B 08 98 A7 49 DE E8 E9 B8 91 52 EC 81 4C
C2 39 7B F6 BA 1C 0A B1 95 50 29 BE 02 AD E6 AD 6E 11 3F 20 C4 66 F0 64
22 57 7E E1 06 7A 3B
Firefox took this value and
calculated "C ≡ M
e (mod n)" to get the value we see in the "
Client Key Exchange" record:
Finally, Firefox sent out one last unencrypted message, a "
Change Cipher Spec" record:
This is Firefox's way of telling Amazon that it's going to start using the agreed upon secret to encrypt its next message.
Deriving the Master Secret
we've done everything correctly, both sides (and only those sides) now
know the 48 byte (256 bit) pre-master secret. There's a slight trust
issue here from Amazon's perspective: the pre-master secret just has
bits that were generated by the client, they don't take anything into
account from the server or anything we said earlier. We'll fix that be
computing the "master secret."
Per the spec, this is done by calculating:
master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, "master secret", ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)
The "pre_master_secret" is the secret value we sent earlier. The "master secret" is simply a string whose
bytes (e.g. "6d 61 73 74 65 72 ...") are used. We then concatenate the
random values that were sent in the ClientHello and ServerHello (from
Amazon) messages that we saw at the beginning.
The PRF is the "Pseudo-Random Function" that's also
defined in the spec
and is quite clever. It combines the secret, the ASCII label, and the
seed data we give it by using the keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code
HMAC) versions of both
MD5 and
hash functions. Half of the input is sent to each hash function. It's
clever because it is quite resistant to attack, even in the face of
weaknesses in MD5 and SHA-1. This process can feedback on itself and iterate forever to generate as many bytes as we need.
Following this procedure, we obtain a 48 byte "master secret" of
AF 20 30 8F 4C AA C5 66 4A 02 90 F2 AC 10 00 39 DB 1D E0 1F CB E0 E0 9D
D7 E6 BE 62 A4 6C 18 06 AD 79 21 DB 82 1D 53 84 DB 35 A7 1F C1 01 19
Generating Lots of Keys
Now that both sides have a "master secrets", the spec
shows us how we can derive all the needed session keys we need using the PRF to create a "key block" where we will pull data from:
= PRF(SecurityParameters.master_secret, "key expansion",
SecurityParameters.server_random + SecurityParameters.client_random);
The bytes from "key_block" are used to populate the following:
Since we're using a
stream cipher instead of a
block cipher like the Advanced Encryption Standard (
AES), we don't need the Initialization Vectors (
IVs). Therefore, we just need two Message Authentication Code (
keys for each side that are 16 bytes (128 bits) each since the
specified MD5 hash digest size is 16 bytes. In addition, the RC4 cipher
uses a 16 byte (128 bit) key that both sides will need as well. All
told, we need 2*16 + 2*16 = 64 bytes from the key block.
Running the PRF, we get these values:
client_write_MAC_secret = 80 B8 F6 09 51 74 EA DB 29 28 EF 6F 9A B8 81 B0
server_write_MAC_secret = 67 7C 96 7B 70 C5 BC 62 9D 1D 1F 4A A6 79 81 61
client_write_key = 32 13 2C DD 1B 39 36 40 84 4A DE E5 6C 52 46 72
server_write_key = 58 36 C4 0D 8C 7C 74 DA 6D B7 34 0A 91 B6 8F A7
Prepare to be Encrypted!
The last handshake message the client sends out is the "
Finished message."
This is a clever message that proves that no one tampered with the
handshake and it proves that we know the key. The client takes all bytes
from all handshake messages and puts them into a "handshake_messages"
buffer. We then calculate 12 bytes of "verify_data" using the
pseudo-random function (PRF) with our master key, the label "client
finished", and an MD5 and SHA-1 hash of "handshake_messages":
verify_data = PRF(master_secret, "client finished", MD5(handshake_messages) + SHA-1(handshake_messages)) [12]
take the result and add a record header byte "0x14" to indicate
"finished" and length bytes "00 00 0c" to indicate that we're sending 12
bytes of verify data. Then, like all future encrypted messages, we need
to make sure the decrypted contents haven't been tampered with. Since
our cipher suite in use is TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, this means we use
the MD5 hash function.
Some people get paranoid when they hear MD5
because it has some weaknesses. I certainly don't advocate using it
as-is. However, TLS is smart in that it doesn't use MD5 directly, but
rather the
HMAC version of it. This means that instead of using MD5(m) directly, we calculate:
HMAC_MD5(Key, m) = MD5((Key ⊕ opad) ++ MD5((Key ⊕ ipad) ++ m)
(The ⊕ means
XOR, ++ means concatenate, "opad" is the bytes "5c 5c ... 5c", and "ipad" is the bytes "36 36 ... 36").
In particular, we calculate:
seq_num + TLSCompressed.type + TLSCompressed.version +
TLSCompressed.length + TLSCompressed.fragment));
you can see, we include a sequence number ("seq_num") along with
attributes of the plaintext message (here it's called "TLSCompressed").
The sequence number foils attackers who might try to take a previously
encrypted message and insert it midstream. If this occurred, the
sequence numbers would definitely be different than what we expected.
This also protects us from an attacker dropping a message.
All that's left is to encrypt these bytes.
RC4 Encryption
Our negotiated cipher suite was TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5. This tells us that we need to use
Ron's Code #4 (
RC4) to encrypt the traffic.
Ron Rivest
developed the RC4 algorithm to generate random bytes based on a 256
byte key. The algorithm is so simple you can actually memorize it in a
few minutes.
RC4 begins by creating a 256-byte "S" byte array and
populating it with 0 to 255. You then iterate over the array by mixing
in bytes from the key. You do this to create a state machine that is
used to generate "random" bytes. To generate a random byte, we shuffle
around the "S" array.
Put graphically, it looks like this:
To encrypt a byte, we xor
this pseudo-random byte with the byte we want to encrypt. Remember that
xor'ing a bit with 1 causes it to flip. Since we're generating random
numbers, on average the xor will flip half of the bits. This random bit
flipping is effectively how we encrypt data. As you can see, it's not
very complicated and thus it runs quickly. I think that's why Amazon
chose it.
Recall that we have a "client_write_key" and a
"server_write_key." The means we need to create two RC4 instances: one
to encrypt what our browser sends and the other to decrypt what the
server sent us.
The first few random bytes out of the
"client_write" RC4 instance are "7E 20 7A 4D FE FB 78 A7 33 ..." If we
xor these bytes with the unencrypted header and verify message bytes of
"14 00 00 0C 98 F0 AE CB C4 ...", we'll get what appears in the
encrypted portion that we can see in Wireshark:
The server does almost the same thing. It sends out a "Change Cipher Spec"
and then a "Finished Message" that includes all handshake messages,
including the decrypted version of the client's "Finished
Message." Consequently, this proves to the client that the server was
able to successfully decrypt our message.
Welcome to the Application Layer!
220 milliseconds after we started, we're finally ready for the
application layer. We can now send normal HTTP traffic that'll be
encrypted by the TLS layer with the RC4 write instance and decrypt
traffic with the server RC4 write instance. In addition, the TLS layer
will check each record for tampering by computing the HMAC_MD5 hash of
the contents.
At this point, the handshake is over. Our TLS
record's content type is now 23 (0x17). Encrypted traffic begins with
"17 03 01" which indicate the record type and TLS version. These bytes
are followed by our encrypted size, which includes the HMAC hash.
Encrypting the plaintext of:
GET /gp/cart/view.html/ref=pd_luc_mri HTTP/1.1
Host: www.amazon.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060911 Minefield/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
will give us the bytes we see on the wire:
The only other interesting fact is that the sequence number increases on
each record, it's now 1 (and the next record will be 2, etc).
The server does the same type of thing on its side using the
server_write_key. We see its response, including the tell-tale
application data header:
Decrypting this gives us:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 01:09:30 GMT
Server: Server
Cneonction: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
which is a normal HTTP reply that includes a non-descriptive "Server: Server" header and a misspelled "
Cneonction: close" header coming from Amazon's load balancers.
is just below the application layer. The HTTP server software can act
as if it's sending unencrypted traffic. The only change is that it
writes to a library that does all the encryption.
OpenSSL is a popular open-source library for TLS.
The connection will stay open while both sides send and receive encrypted data until either side sends out a "
closure alert"
message and then closes the connection. If we reconnect shortly after
disconnecting, we can re-use the negotiated keys (if the server still
has them cached) without using public key operations, otherwise we do a
completely new full handshake.
It's important to realize that application data records can be
The only reason "HTTPS" is special is because the web is so popular.
There are lots of other TCP/IP based protocols that ride on top of TLS.
For example, TLS is used by
FTPS and
secure extensions to SMTP.
It's certainly better to use TLS than inventing your own solution.
Additionally, you'll benefit from a protocol that has withstood careful
security analysis.
... And We're Done!
The very readable
covers many more details that were missed here. We covered just one
single path in our observation of the 220 millisecond dance between
Firefox and Amazon's server. Quite a bit of the process was affected by
the TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 Cipher Suite selection that Amazon made
with its ServerHello message. It's a reasonable choice that slightly
favors speed over security.
As we saw, if someone could secretly
factor Amazon's "n" modulus into its respective "p" and "q", they could
effectively decrypt all "secure" traffic until Amazon changes their
certificate. Amazon counter-balances this concern this with a short one
year duration certificate:
One of the cipher suites that was offered was "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA" which uses the Diffie-Hellman key exchange that has a nice property of "forward secrecy."
This means that if someone cracked the mathematics of the key exchange,
they'd be no better off to decrypt another session. One downside to
this algorithm is that it requires more math with big numbers, and thus
is a little more computationally taxing on a busy server. The "Advanced
Encryption Standard" (AES)
algorithm was present in many of the suites that we offered. It's
different than RC4 in that it works on 16 byte "blocks" at a time rather
than a single byte. Since its key can be up to 256 bits, many consider
this to be more secure than RC4.
In just 220 milliseconds, two
endpoints on the Internet came together, provided enough credentials to
trust each other, set up encryption algorithms, and started to send
encrypted traffic.
And to think, all of this just so Bob can buy milk.