Sql Joins and Venn Diagrams..
A very interesting read
Software Development : A dizzy job...keeping abreast and being competitive is a 24X7 involvement
Scenario: We have a Table : TableA
Structure of TableA:
Id Name
-- ---------------------------
1 Pirate
2 Monkey
3 Ninja
4 Spaghetti
Requirement: Iterate through the Names (“Name” column) of TableA
We all know that the most convenient, easy and widely used solution is by using a Cursor.
OPEN cursor1
This works, but we should be aware of the disadvantages of using a Cursor…
Cursor implementation in application, helps data manipulation easy and even they are very effective but due to some major disadvantage of Cursor normally they are not preferred.
Disadvantages of cursors
Apart from these I would like to point out some great advantages of cursor if the entire result set must be transferred to the client for processing and display.
Some Alternatives to using a Cursor:
It has been generally observed that looping without using a cursor is faster than looping using a cursor.
Some solutions:
1. Add the recordset to a new Temp Table and also introduce a new column to the temp table.
set rowcount 0
select NULL mykey, * into #mytemp from TableA
set rowcount 1
update #mytemp set mykey = 1
while @@rowcount > 0
set rowcount 0
select * from #mytemp where mykey = 1
delete #mytemp where mykey = 1
set rowcount 1
update #mytemp set mykey = 1
set rowcount 0
2. The following solution assumes that there is a unique indexed int column named id.
declare @id char( 11 )
select @id = min( id ) from TableA
while @id is not null
select * from TableA where id = @id
select @id = min( id ) from TableA where id > @id
3. Here to the temp table we are adding a new column (RowID ) which is a identity column
DECLARE @RowsToProcess int
DECLARE @CurrentRow int
DECLARE @SelectCol1 int
DECLARE @table1 TABLE (RowID int not null primary key identity(1,1), Name varchar(50))
INSERT into @table1 (Name ) SELECT Name FROM tableA
SET @RowsToProcess=@@ROWCOUNT
SET @CurrentRow=0
WHILE @CurrentRow<@RowsToProcess
SET @CurrentRow=@CurrentRow+1
FROM @table1
WHERE RowID=@CurrentRow
--do your thing here--
idx int identity(1,1),
col1 int )
DECLARE @counter int
SET @counter = 1
WHILE(@counter < SELECT MAX(idx) FROM @table1)
SELECT @colVar = col1 FROM @table1 WHERE idx = @counter
-- Do your work here
SET @counter = @counter + 1
Believe it or not, this is actually more efficient and performant than using a cursor.
@LoopId int
,@MyData varchar(100)
LoopId int not null identity(1,1)
,MyData varchar(100) not null
INSERT @CheckThese (YourData)
select MyData from MyTable
order by DoesItMatter
SET @LoopId = @@rowcount
WHILE @LoopId > 0
SELECT @MyData = MyData
from @CheckThese
where LoopId = @LoopId
-- Do whatever
SET @LoopId = @LoopId - 1
While fetching we should always remember that SQL Server Queries are SET Based operations and work best in circumstances dealing with SET Based operations.
You can loop through the table variable or you can cursor through it. This is what we usually call a RBAR - pronounced Reebar and means Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
So, we should always strive to find a SET-BASED answer and move away from RBARs as much as possible.
Set based queries are (usually) faster because:
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AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running what are known as single-page applications. Its goal is to augment browser-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier. The library reads in HTML that contains additional custom tag attributes; it then obeys the directives in those custom attributes, and binds input or output parts of the page to a model represented by standard JavaScript variables. The values of those JavaScript variables can be manually set, or retrieved from static or dynamic JSON resources.
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Modernizr is a small JavaScript library that detects the availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies, i.e. features that stem from the HTML5 and CSS3 specifications. Many of these features are already implemented in at least one major browser (most of them in two or more), and what Modernizr does is, very simply, tell you whether the current browser has this feature natively implemented or not.
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.
LESS extends CSS with dynamic behaviour such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.LESS runs on both the server-side (with Node.js and Rhino) or client-side (modern browsers only).
Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It’s translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
Source: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/596800/JavaScript-Frameworks-and-Resources