Jun 15, 2016

cannot build project in VS2015. Error Message "the operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect"

I had downloaded a project from the net containing a demo of a reporting website.
When I tried to run the project as is. It threw a Error.( which was basically shouting about the startup project cant be loaded etc.)
When I tried to compile the same, I got the following error  "the operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect"... Some intuitive message that...
I tried many things to correct it, 
Finally opened it in SafeMode and tried compiling.. to my surprise, I was building and threw up a a few errors regarding missing nuget packages..
This was a pointer towards the right direction at least.
I again loaded the project in VS2015 this time not in safe mode and then updated the existing packages and also noticed the dlls of all crystal report packages were missing.. Downloaded them individually removed all the issues and I could build it..
Hope this helps..